Jason Aldworth

Managing Partner

With 25 years’ experience in high-level political, public affairs and media roles, Jason founded Civic in 2010 with a vision to create a leading bipartisan communications and campaign agency.

As Founder and Managing Director of The Civic Partnership, Jason leads a team of communicators, strategists and creatives to provide the high level and high-quality support and services our ever-growing roster of clients need and deserve.

Jason is usually found with a phone or a fishing line in his hands – ideally both at once.


[email protected]

+61 414 332 443



Government relations Media relations Stakeholder relations Communications and campaigns Public affairs Issues and crisis management Financial communications Research and insights Advertising Behaviour change Litigation support Corporate and B2B Communications Data and privacy


Automotive Community services Construction Defence Education Energy Government Health Infrastructure Innovation Manufacturing Medical Technology Mining Not-for-profit Peak bodies Pharmaceutical Property Retail Technology Transport